DAHL Winter Registration

DAHL Winter 24-25


Dates: September 5, 2024 - April 28 2025.

League Fee: $8,460 + GST

  - Registration closes August 29, 2024.


  • 30 regular season games + minimum 2 playoff games
  • 12 minute periods + Shootout if game is tied.
  • No 11:00 p.m. games Sunday-Wednesday
  • No games on Grey Cup, Super Bowl, Dec 24-26, 31 & Jan 1st
  • Minimum long weekend games
  • Teams can provide date conflicts, no games scheduled on those dates (*must provide dates by submission deadline)
  • Multiple divisions and re-alignment throughout season to ensure parity

- EXCLUSIVE DAHL spare goalie and sub list


NEW: DAHL Hockey Day at the DCC- March 14-15, 2025

  • Beer gardens
  • Prizes
  • Food
Watch for more announcements during the regular season!

NEW:40+ division

  • Creation of a 40+ division.
  • Tiered for playoffs


  • Double Knockout Playoff Format (A and B brackets).
    • Only true playoff format in the city!
  • Up to 9 additional games!
  • 3 vs 3 overtime if game ends in a tie
  • Prizes and trophies for division winners

** The DAHL strives to provide a fun, safe and positive experience for all players and has a strict approach to dealing with any behavior- on or off the ice- detrimental to that goal. To review league rules, please click here (https://www.dakotacentrehockey.com/content/League-Rules)

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